Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The problem with the job market today is NOT how to interview but how to get RECOGNIZED to get one. HR and Senior executives need to re-boot their Applicant Tracking Systems and ask themselves why it's NOT working? All these TV programs that talk about job search and creation ask the WRONG people. Get the UNEMPLOYED involved. Their the experts. Politicians will NOT create jobs, companies will. Fortune 500, 100, 50 companies need to stop complaining and start creating. Companies will benefit. Why? Simple, the public sees what you do and will REWARD you for it. Do the math!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Creating a Job Search Strategy

Creating a Job Search Strategy
If you plan to find a job sooner rather than later, and hope to succeed even in a struggling economy, you need a strategy for that success.  A job search without a strategy can quickly become random and non-productive. Applying scattershot for jobs, following up on leads without prioritizing, lacking goals and ways to measure progress often plunges a job seeker into frustration.  With a strategy, progress is planned and steady, and good results follow. Here are the key elements of a job search strategy and how you can develop them:
1. Set a clear target
  • Know what you want to do
  • Know what you are qualified to do
  • Know what there is demand for in the marketplace
  • Take steps to make a career transition if there is not demand in your current area
  • Form a target that is focused and realistic
2. Develop thoughtful marketing materials
3. Have a plan for marketing yourself using multiple channels to generate job leads
4. Make conscious decisions about how you spend your time on each job search activity
6. Have a system for managing your search
  • Track to dos, leads, contacts, resume versions
  • Consider productivity tools to organize your search
7. Implement a step by step plan for executing including measurable goals
  • Establish a routine, setting aside space and time for job search activities
  • Have daily, weekly and monthly objectives
  • Reward yourself for achieving goals