Friday, October 22, 2010

The Changing World of On-Line Promotion

Topic: The Changing World of On-Line Promotion

Speaker: Larry Burns, President and CEO, StartSampling, Inc.

Date: Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Time: 5:45 - 6:30 Registration -- Networking and Cash Bar
6:30 - 8:00 Program
8:00 - Cash Bar Re-opens

Once again, we'll have a cash bar before and after the presentation in order to maximize your networking opportunity. If you need to leave at 8, we encourage you to come early and enjoy the pre-meeting networking.

Location: Gleacher Center - Room 100 (Directions:

To RSVP: Register Online

Questions? Please contact Daniel Drake at

Session Overview

On-line promotion and analysis of the resulting data has become an important element of marketing for traditional retailers and CPG manufacturers. As the nature of internet and media communications evolves and methods for analysis of market data improve, on-line promotions must also change in order to be successful.

In this session, we will look the state of on-line promotions, current practices and future directions. Actual case studies and campaigns will be discussed to shed light on various aspects of internet marketing and product sampling within the CPG and retail space.

Topics will include:

* On-line support for branded manufacturers,
* The role of product sampling in new product launches,
* Consumer education through product sampling programs,
* Social media and traditional CPG marketing techniques,
* Data analysis and methods for measure success of marketing campaigns.

About Our Speaker
Larry Burns has been President and CEO of StartSampling, Inc. since the company’s launch in 1999. Under Larry’s guidance, the enterprise has completed over 2,000 projects, and currently manages over 50 programs a month for CPG and retail clients that include Walmart, Kroger, Costco, Sam's, and CVS.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Discover Card Commercial - Peggy Customer Service - Hold

Protect Your Good Idea

The best idea can still die when naysayers raise concerns, even if the concerns are meritless. Instead of trying to dodge unavoidable attacks, learn to expect the common types you'll face, and how to counter them simply and convincingly:

1. Death by delay. Adversaries may try to put off the discussion, ask for additional information, or otherwise delay a decision on your idea, thereby slowing momentum. Keep your audience focused on making a decision.
2. Confusion. Detractors often present distracting information or try to link your idea to several others in an attempt to confound people. Be clear about what your idea is and what it isn't.
3. Fear mongering. Nothing kills an idea faster than irrational anxieties. Know what fears your challengers might stir up and be prepared to allay them.